
February 2011: Area Dental Office Teams up with Fulton County Public Health to Provide Dental Care to Area Youths:


Each year, the American Dental Society sponsors Give Kids A Smile Day. This year nearly 400,000 children across the nation were treated. As stated in the ADA News, “the nationwide observance of Give Kids a Smile provides free dental services to children in need and promotes awareness among health professionals and policy makers about how untreated dental disease affects millions of U.S. children.” 

Working in conjunction with Fulton County Public Health, Dr. Gary DiSanto-Rose and his team of health professionals including Jennifer Yanno RDH, Cindy Mitchell CDA, Nancy Martelle, JoAnne Buyce OM, and Katie Buyce provided dental care to many area children. Ellen Hunt, a registered nurse at Fulton County Public Health organized and coordinated the efforts. Fulton County Public Heath Director, Denise Frederick, was pleased with the efforts as many of the children through the Give Kids A Smile program received urgent care as well as some interceptive orthodontic treatment.